Sunday, February 15, 2015

Inspiring Moments and Quotes from Movie Invictus!

Invictus is a highly inspirational movie. It is about leadership. The movie revolves around Nelson Mandela and Francois , who is the captain of rugby team of  South Africa. This beautiful film reveals the journey which a leader has to take to unite his nation and his team. If you ask me who the hero of this story is; I will be inclined to say Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman).  But Francois (Matt Damon) is also a hero who has to face the challenge of his own. Watch this movie and get inspired.

1.“Never, never and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another…..”

2.  “The day I am afraid to do that is the day I am no longer fit to lead..”
 This classic dialogue reminds what true leadership is all about. When the very people you represent are wrong about something, which side will you take?  It’s the time to show the people that they are wrong this time. Sometimes you got to stand against the people you love.  At such moment Mandela says, “ The day I am afraid to do that is the day I am no longer fit to lead”.
3. How do you inspire your team to do their best?
Nelson Mandela invites Francois for a conversation. He asks him, “What is your philosophy of leadership? How do you inspire your team to do your best?”
And Francois replies, “By example. I’ve always taught to lead by example, sir”.
The conversation that ensues here is very meaningful. How do we inspire ourselves to greatness when nothing else will do?
4. Matters Not the Circumstance, We Rise above Take a Chance
This is a story of an underdog team who goes on two win World Championship. The climax moments give a sense of freedom flowing like air. Hope is reassured.  And at once we are moved with the power of unity. “ I thank whatever gods may be for my unconquerable soul…”

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